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an icon of a clock or timerQ1. A city vehicle was damaged. What do I do now?

Q2. Can someone help me review a service contract?

Q3. 在没有技术人员的情况下,我如何防止城市系统受到网络攻击?

Q4. Our city is sponsoring a summer picnic and there will be beer available; however, we are not charging for it. 我们需要为这次活动投保酒类责任险吗?

Q5. 城市志愿者在我们的工人赔偿保险范围内吗?

Q6.What should we do if a city employee is injured on the job?

Q7: How often should our city repair sidewalks?

Q8: We need to hire seasonal positions. 在这种情况下,我们如何正确地聘用新员工?

Q1: A city vehicle was damaged. What do I do now?

A1: Under the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust, 汽车责任保险为会员提供法律上有义务支付的赔偿金额,作为因所有权而引起的身体伤害或财产损失, maintenance, or use of any automobile. 索赔可以使用以下任何一种格式提交给LMCIT:


Q2: Can someone help me review a service contract?

A2: Yes! 根据明尼苏达城市保险信托联盟的责任评级系统, 如果服务合同能充分降低城市的负债风险,那么城市就有可能降低其负债溢价. 服务合同可发送给LMCIT风险管理律师Chris Smith,地址为 for review.

Learn more about LMCIT’s Contract Review Service


A3: 一个城市最好的防御是回归到安全的三个基本组成部分:人, processes, and technology. 这里有一些建议,以帮助防止网络犯罪在你的城市部门:

  • 到目前为止,最常见的攻击方法是通过网络钓鱼. 帮助市澳门网络娱乐游戏平台员工了解网络钓鱼,并制定一套流程,以便他们知道如何在出现可疑情况时向他人发出警报.
  • Encourage and educate employees about strong passwords. 密码是网络攻击者最具吸引力的目标.
  • 合并用于附加安全层(如多因素身份验证)的流程. 这种方法使用密码和其他组合来允许访问. 例如,通过文本或电话发送密码和代码来验证登录.
  • Evaluate your city’s technology for simplicity. 技术越复杂,就越难以保证安全.
  • 看看你最关键的系统或数据,并首先关注保护这些资产.

加入我们的风险中心,在那里你可以找到免费的视频培训和其他伟大的安全工具. Access the e-Risk hub.

你也可以通过NEOGOV访问网络安全课程. Access NEOGOV Safety Training.

Q4: Our city is sponsoring a summer picnic and there will be beer available; however, we are not charging for it. 我们需要为这次活动投保酒类责任险吗?

A4: No. 如果一个城市只提供酒精饮料而不出售,它就不需要酒责任保险. The city must be certain, however, there is no sale. For example, 如果城市出售门票,啤酒是免费的, 这可以被认为是酒类销售,在这种情况下, liquor liability coverage would be needed.

See Section II.K, Liquor Liability of the LMCIT Liability Coverage Guide for more information.


A5: Emergency response volunteers, including paid on-call emergency volunteers, 在劳工赔偿方面,法例是否界定为“雇员”. 这意味着如果他们在市澳门网络娱乐游戏平台注册并在市澳门网络娱乐游戏平台的指导和控制下工作,他们就会自动得到你的保险.

All other volunteers, 比如在城市赞助的节日上工作的教练和志愿者, are covered by LMCIT’s volunteer accident coverage. 虽然福利比工人补偿更有限, 在无过错的基础上,对志愿者有一些保护, 如果这些志愿者是在市澳门网络娱乐游戏平台的指导和控制下工作.

See Section I.C.7, Emergency Response Employees and Volunteers and Section I.C.8, All Other Volunteers of the LMCIT Workers’ Compensation Guide for more information.


A6:会员应在首次受伤报告(FROI)表格上提交受伤情况. 雇员必须在受伤后180天内向雇主报告. 雇主必须在首次得知工伤发生后的10天内向LMCIT报告所声称的工伤. 如果员工的主管或经理知道受伤情况, 雇主也被认为知道受伤情况. Be sure supervisory staff know their responsibilities. (如果员工死亡或遭受危及生命的伤害, 必须在事故发生后24小时内报告给LMCIT,以便LMCIT在48小时内提交给劳工和工业部. Within eight hours of the occurrence, 雇主也必须致电明尼苏达州职业安全与健康管理局(651)284-5050或(877)470-6742.)

See the Claims Section 登入LMC网站查阅索偿表格,以及登入LMC网站查阅更多有关 Workers’ Compensation Claim Management.

Q7: How often should our city repair sidewalks?

A7: LMCIT制定了一项模范政策,解决了城市检查和维护人行道的责任, 哪个重点是工务部门的自由裁量权和专业判断, for example, 决定是否及何时需要更换或维修人行道.

Learn more in the LMCIT informational memo, Acquisition and Maintenance of City Streets and model policy, Sidewalk Inspection and Maintenance.

Q8: We need to hire seasonal positions. 在这种情况下,我们如何正确地聘用新员工?

A8: 所有季节工都必须像全职员工一样接受培训. 雇主必须涵盖所有MN OSHA要求的培训,所有特定任务的培训(例如.g., 必须每年对包括叉车在内的特殊设备和任务进行培训, lawnmowers, and scissor lifts), 并提供所有正确的个人防护装备.

Learn more about OSHA safety requirements on the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry website.

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